Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Teach A Child Addition

Addition does not have to be a difficult concept to teach. It can be made fun if taught to age appropriate children or those who seem interested or ready. Addition like everything else that you want to teach children will be easier if made into a fun experience.


1. Count with the child to make sure that they know how.

2. Collect small, like objects with the child. Jacks, marbles and pennies and small crackers are some examples.

3. Clean a small chalkboard or white board that the child can write and erase on easily. Children like color, so color chalk and bright markers may hold their attention longer.

4. Count out 2 pennies and place them on the table. Write 2 on the chalkboard.

5. Place another penny to the side of your grouping and say "1". Write 1 on the chalkboard.

6. Tell the child you have "added to" the other pennies. Write the addition sign between the 2 and the 1.

7. Ask how many pennies there are now. Together count all 3 pennies. After counting, write an equal sign to the right of the equation and a 3 for the answer.

8. Read the equation and repeat the process with different numbers.

Tags: with child, Write chalkboard