Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Calculate Lsdas

Formerly known as the Law School Data Assembly Service, or LSDAS, the Law School Admissions Council has developed its own grade point average system to account for institutional differences in grade point awarding across the nation. Converting your existing grade point average to one usable in the LSAC system involves only a series of extremely simple calculations, but may take you several minutes, depending on how many classes' grades you need to convert.


1. Convert each individual grade to its LSAC equivalent using the table linked in the "Resources" section. If, for example, you have an "A+," a "B" and a "C-" on your transcript, your LSAC equivalents will be 4.33, 3.0 and 1.67, respectively.

2. Weigh each grade for the number of credit hours it represents. For example, if you earned the "B" and "C-" in classes worth four credit hours, but the "A+" in course that was only worth two, the "A+" will only hold half weight in your overall calculation. Multiply each grade point by the number of credit hours it represents, add them together, then divide the number by the total number of credit hours: (4.33 x 2) + (3.0 x 4) + (1.67 x 4) = 8.66 + 12 + 6.68 = 27.34/(2 + 4 + 4) = 2.734.

3. Remove any grades of "withdraw" or "incomplete" from your calculation. According to law school resource "Prelaw Handbook," LSAC does not include these values in its calculations.

Tags: credit hours, grade point, number credit, number credit hours, credit hours represents, each grade, grade point average