Thursday, February 14, 2013

College Writing Requirements

Colleges often have different writing requirements.

All major United States colleges require virtually every type of major to take at least two writing courses. These courses specialize in preparing the student to write competently in whatever career path that they choose. Certain majors will have to take several writing courses, while others only require the two basic writing classes. It is important, however, to take into account the fact that writing requirements differ from college to college. Check out the college course book or website for any school that you are thinking about attending to find out their specific writing requirements.

Analytical Reading and Writing

Most colleges will require you to take a 100-level course that teaches you analyze writing. This often includes the writing of great literary figures as well as your own writing. In some ways, this course is similar to a more intensive high school English course. The intent of this type of course is to prepare you to read and write competently in your future endeavors. The actual activities differ from school to school, but generally, you will be writing essays about readings, doing some form of creative writing and writing a research paper.

Academic Writing

Colleges sometimes require a student to take a course that focuses on academic writing. This course will prepare you to write research papers in several different disciplines as well as teach you the proper way to use multiple citation styles. In some colleges, this course is more or less a continuation of the analytical reading and writing course, and in some other colleges, you are given a choice as to which writing course you can choose (giving you choices of more narrowly focused courses). The school guidance counselor can help you if you are confused about which class you need to take.

Other Writing Requirements

If you are pursuing a degree in a business-related field such as marketing, management or accounting, you may be required to take a business writing course. This course is intended to teach you write competently in business settings. Philosophy majors may have to take a course in rhetoric that falls under the writing umbrella as well. Again, the best way to know which courses you have to take is to consult the college course book or talk to your counselor.

Writing as an Elective

Colleges allow each of their students to take a certain number of elective courses. The students can pick whatever courses they want, but they must meet a minimum credit requirement of electives. Even though there is no requirement to take writing courses as your elective, many colleges offer several different writing courses such as writing as a naturalist, creative writing, screen writing and writing children's literature.

Tags: writing courses, have take, write competently, writing course, college course, college course book, course book