Wednesday, February 13, 2013

The Pros And Cons Of Online Tv

Laptops with internet allow you to watch television anywhere.

When Americans were first able to watch television while eating dinner, some viewed it as a step in the right direction, while others cursed it for interrupting quality family time. Regardless of your opinion, television watching options have only increased, and consumers can now watch TV online virtually anywhere. While online TV has its advantages, that does not mean it's flawless.

Time Is Not An Issue

There used to be a time in which television episodes ran once and, if you missed it, you were out of luck. The introduction of the re-run allowed viewers a second chance to watch the episode, but only if they were home at the exact showing time. Online television eliminates all time concerns, allowing viewers to watch their favorite programs morning, day, or night. However, not all television episodes are available online, while others only run for a certain amount of time. Even with online viewing, you can still miss the latest episode of your favorite show if you're not quick enough.

Limited Interruptions

Those working in the commercial field work long, exhausting hours trying to create visually stimulating ways to sell their products. Despite the hard work attached, viewers are not always in the mood to watch commercials selling items they have no interest in buying. Online television is virtually commercial free, with advertisers paying to run ads before the program only. However, with the invention of TiVo and other recording devices, commercials can be skipped over on traditional televisions, making the episodes completely commercial free. Although, not everyone owns such devices.

The Big Picture

HD televisions, 30-inch screens, stereo surround sound, 3-D televisions and other technological advancements have increased the viewing experience, turning living rooms into full blown entertainment centers. Watching television online is not quite as immersing of a sensation, and viewers are limited to the power of their monitor. However, with the invention of HD monitors, an option for full screen, and an increase in monitor size, online viewing is getting closer and closer to capturing the living room feeling.

Moving Entertainment

A major advantage to watching television online is the ability to take it with you. Those who have laptops or mobile phones with internet connection have the ability to watch their favorite programs under any circumstance, which can reduce boredom while you're waiting at the DMV, or stuck in the car for a 12 hour drive. A major disadvantage to online television is that it cannot be viewed without an internet connection, whereas a digital converter and a pair of rabbit ears can still locate basic channels on a standard television.

Tags: commercial free, favorite programs, However with, However with invention, internet connection, Online television