Friday, March 29, 2013

Plan A School Field Day

Filled with fun and games, field day marks the culmination of a rigorous school year. Planning the event is work, but well worth it. Once your field day is over, your students will be left with wonderful memories.


1. Decide on the number of activities needed and plan your set up of the activities, as a relay or free for all. Relays are more organized, but can result in student boredom and free for all keeps kids entertained but control may become an issue.

2. Settle on whether or not you will have awards, prizes or any ceremonies. Check with your school to see what the rules are regarding competitions. Have each student fill out and return a signed permission slip.

3. Choose activities to include. Provide a wide variety, include quiet games for children less inclined to boisterousness. Use classroom subjects as a guide for your field day: arithmetic, measurements, statistics, physical games, sports and races. Visit Education world for lists of specific games.

4. Find teachers and parents to supervise the activities. Assign each volunteer to a specific activity and give the individual instructions before hand. Have a volunteer orientation to explain the day to parents and teachers.

5. Set up games early, the morning of the field day.

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