Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Scholarships For Women In Technology

Technology scholarships enable more women to enter the field

Technology is a broad field, covering everything from web design to networking to video game development. In an effort to bring more women into the male-dominated field, there are many scholarships available that specialize in different aspects of technology. Technical associations and corporations are apt sources for further research into technology-related scholarships.

Society of Women Engineers

The Society of Women Engineers (SWE) offers several scholarships for women involved in the study of engineering, computer science and engineering technology. SWE awards many different grants, scholarships and fellowships to both undergraduate and graduate students, as well as scholarships designed expressly for women re-entering the work force. In fact, SWE lists more than 40 different scholarships for undergraduates alone, many of which are awarded to multiple recipients.


The technology behemoth Google supports women entering technology fields by offering its own scholarship to multiple recipients. The Google Anita Borg Scholarship is awarded to both graduate and undergraduate women studying computer science, software engineering and other related technology fields. The scholarship is offered to full-time students from around the world. Google also offers additional technology-related scholarships to students of different ethnicities and backgrounds, so it's worth a few minutes of research to review all available scholarships for eligibility guidelines.

Morgan Stanley

Morgan Stanley offers a few different sources of funding for women studying technology. One scholarship awards $10,000 to a student member of the National Society of Black Engineers, the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers or the Society of Women Engineers. The second scholarship worth noting is the Women in Technology Scholarship (WIT). Also sponsored by Morgan Stanley, the WIT provides up to $10,000 in funding for female students who are in their third or fourth year of study. Besides the financial award, both scholarships include a paid internship in Technology at Morgan Stanley.

Co-Ed Technology Scholarships

Although open to both men and women, there are other sources of technology scholarships that are worth investigating. The Foundation for Information Technology Education administers several technology scholarships for both undergraduate and graduate students. Microsoft also offers a merit-based scholarship to undergraduate students of both sexes who are excelling in technology.

Tags: Morgan Stanley, Engineers Society, Society Women, Society Women Engineers, Women Engineers, also offers