Friday, February 20, 2009

Find The Best Dorms At The University Of Maryland

This article describes some of the best dorms on the campus of the University of Maryland. Whether you are a new student who doesn't know much about the school or a current student who just needs some extra information, this article is for you. Some factors taken into consideration are age of dorm, size and style of living.


Find the Best Dorms at the University of Maryland

1. Check out Denton Hall in the Denton Community. This dormitory is all about great location. It is near Byrd Stadium, the campus recreation center and the student union. It is also located near a dining hall and several classrooms are nearby. The university bus system also stops frequently outside. The Denton Community is on the north side of campus.

2. Check out New Leonardtown if you are interested in a dormitory that is apartment-style. New Leonardtown is inhabited by 396 students. It is three stories, and it is also co-educational. Residents who live here live in four bedrooms that are shared with one to three bathrooms.

3. Check out Allegany Hall. This dormitory is much like the others as the University of Maryland offers a handful of dorms that are nearly identical. What is interesting about this dorm is that residents are treated to a room that features comfortable carpeting.

Tags: University Maryland, Best Dorms, Best Dorms University, Denton Community, Dorms University