Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Find The Right Nursing Degree

Finding the right nursing school requires research and patience.

Finding the right nursing degree is important for finding the right nursing job. When researching nursing degrees you must consider not only where you obtain your nursing degree, but also what type of degree you obtain. Both associate's and bachelor's degrees are acceptable for registered nurses, but master's degrees are needed for most nursing specialties. Finding the right nursing degree program requires research and careful consideration. Doing your due diligence to seek out the right program can make all the difference in your nursing education and career.


1. Determine the level of degree you need to obtain to get where you want to go in your nursing career. This is an important first step in finding the right nursing degree because some schools offer multiple degree programs leading to degrees as high as the doctor of nursing practice degree. An associate's degree can gain you entry-level employment as a registered nurse, but a bachelor's degree will open up many more opportunities.

2. Decide which type of course delivery works best for you. It is now possible to obtain a nursing degree online. These programs will afford you the opportunity to work while attending school and allow you the convenience of being able to complete your coursework on your time. Traditional nursing degree programs allow you the opportunity to interact with other students and faculty members in person. Assess your learning style and determine which type of program will work best for you.

3. Determine the geographic limits of your nursing search. If you are not going to pursue a nursing degree online, you need to determine how far you are willing to travel and relocate in selecting the right program. If you live in a large metropolitan area with several colleges, you may have the option of choosing from several nursing schools in your area. If not, you may need to conduct additional research about other areas to live in while you attend school. Websites like City Data can provide you with a valuable research tool for learning about different cities throughout the country.

4. Consult the rankings of prominent publications like "U.S. News & World Report." This publication regularly ranks nursing school programs. The rankings can give you an idea of which nursing programs are best in your own local area and in other areas throughout the United States. Schools can be located by state and by metropolitan area. The rankings are also broken down by nursing degree specialty for those seeking master's degrees or for those just considering a nursing degree specialty later on. Information regarding cost and the size of the nursing program are also included. Determine which of these are most important to your own nursing degree search and weed out the programs that do not meet your needs.

Tags: nursing degree, your nursing, Finding right nursing, right nursing, degree online