Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Get Ready For The College Placement Test

The College Placement Test (CPT), also known as the Accuplacer, is a standardized exam required at certain colleges and technical schools in the United States. The CPT is divided into four parts: English, reading, arithmetic and algebra. Certain colleges may also require an advanced college-level mathematics section of the exam. The CPT is not a pass or fail exam; it is designed to determine which college courses are most appropriate for your educational level. According to the College Placement Test website, the exam is computer adaptive, meaning that it is taken online and the questions get progressively more difficult based upon your answers to previous questions. There are a number of ways to prepare for the CPT.


1. Go to the College Placement Test website at Here you will find a variety of study guides and practice tests. The CPT Study Guide is available free of charge if you buy three online college placement practice tests. A price list is available on the website.

2. Explore other websites, such as Math Plus Fun, that feature sample exams to help you prepare for the CPT. These exams have questions that are similar to those you will find on the actual College Placement Test.

3. Practice some physical strategies to avoid test anxiety. These may include deep breathing, avoiding caffeine and taking a brisk walk about 10 minutes before you take the test.

4. Bolster your confidence with some mental strategies like positive self-talk and visualizing yourself successfully completing the test.

5. Gather the materials you will need to take the College Placement Test, including your valid photo ID, the night before you plan to take the test.

6. Pace yourself. The College Placement Test is not timed, and typically takes about 90 minutes to complete. You are allowed to take breaks, and can even take the test on multiple days within a two-week period.

Tags: College Placement Test, Placement Test, College Placement, take test, about minutes