Monday, June 6, 2011

Grants For Non Government Organizations

According to the World Bank, an NGOs (Non-Governmental Organization) are "private organizations that pursue activities to relieve suffering, promote the interests of the poor...or undertake community development." Funding for NGOs can come from governmental and non-governmental sources. Most funding is for specific development projects, although funds may also be awarded as recognition for past work.

UNAIDS Red Ribbon Awards

UNAIDS, the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV AIDS, uses its Red Ribbon Awards to recognize the work of "community based organizations for their outstanding initiatives that show leadership in reducing the spread and impact of AIDS." According to UNAIDS, the awards are designed specifically for organizations that:

- Ensure that people living with HIV receive treatment

- Support HIV prevention, treatment and care programmes for people who use drugs.

- Remove punitive policies and laws, stigma and discrimination that block effective AIDS responses and marginalize key populations (men who have sex with men, transgender people, sex workers and prisoners)

- Stop violence against women and girls and promote gender equality

- Enhance social support for those affected by HIV, including orphans and vulnerable children

Twenty-five awards are given biennially, twenty in the amount of $5,000 and 15 in the amount of $15,000. 2010 award recipients are invited to attend the International AIDS conference in Vienna. NGOs may apply for the award or be nominated by an individual or organization working in the field.

USAID Development Program Grants

The United States Administration of International Development, the branch of the United States government devoted to international aid and development, offers development program grants for "programs that respond to overall USAID priorities." Grants are made in the amount of no more than $2 million dollars for a three-year project in the field. As of 2010, project areas covered by DPG grants are Dairy, Democracy and Government, Micro-enterprise, Water, and Women's empowerment. NGOs and PVO (Private Voluntary Organizations) are eligible for DPG grants.

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, one of the world's largest private foundation, offers grants for NGOs working in the United States and abroad. The foundation gives a minimum of $1.5 billion annually. The foundation divides its funding priorities into three basic areas:

- Global Development priorities, which include agricultural development, emergency relief funds, water, sanitation, and hygiene, and the construction of a global library system.

- Global Health priorities, which includes work to prevent the causes and spread of diseases such as tuberculosis, malaria, polio, HIV/AIDS, and pneumonia and flu.

- United States funding priorities, which includes early learning, post-secondary education, work in family homelessness, and Pacific Northwest Community Grants.

NGOs seeking funding from the Gates Foundation should register and complete a profile through the Foundation's website. Many Gates Foundation grant applications are by invitation only.

Tags: Gates Foundation, United States, priorities which, Bill Melinda, Bill Melinda Gates