Thursday, May 17, 2012

How Much Is Cosmetology School

Cosmetology is one career that will most likely be around for many years. As long as there are people who need hair styled, nails manicured, and make-up expertly applied for special occasions, there will be a need for well-trained cosmetology school graduates.

As with any training, it does cost money to attend cosmetology school. How much depends on a number of factors.


Average tuition is between $1500 and $3500 for the entire course. Average cost per credit hour is between $40 and $50. Cosmetology schools in or near large cities such as New York or Boston may charge a much higher tuition, as much as $10,000, than those located in smaller cities or even suburban or rural areas. Most tuition is flat-rate, whether one attends full- or part-time.

Time Frame

The length of training will depend on which area(s) of cosmetology are involved. It can take as little as 1,500 hours or as many as 2,000 hours, depending on state regulations, which differ from state to state, and may affect cost.

Additionally, while some cosmetology courses may address each aspect of cosmetology training (hairstyling, esthetics, nail technique, barbering, and make up application), in some instances, it may be necessary for a cosmetologist to hold certification in each area that he or she wishes to operate. This may make the actual training time longer, and cause a cost increase.


A cosmetology school that is worth the price one is paying to attend will put its students first. Not only will instructors teach the necessary techniques, but will assist students in finding and applying for financial aid, job placement, career advancement, and continuing education.

Of course, the latest equipment and most current supplies will be available for the students. The equipment will be clean, in good shape, and will operate at maximum performance. Likewise, the building or area where the school is located itself should be clean and well-maintained.


Because cosmetology covers a number of areas besides hairstyling, the number of courses taken will also be a factor. It may be necessary to pay separately for each course taken, which can raise the overall cost of tuition; however, the majority of courses are included in the overall course.


Good training does allow for advancement. Because "word of mouth" is the best advertisement, good training may result in a large enough client base that operating one's own business may someday be a true reality.

Tags: cosmetology school, training does