Monday, May 14, 2012

Skills Children Learn Through Art

Art is not only a way to create beauty. Learning about and creating art hones many skills that help students excel as they mature. Learning art stimulates and develops the mind and the body.

Fine Motor Skills

Even at an early age, simple coloring helps children with finger dexterity while holding and manipulating a crayon, marker or pencil.


Art is a universal form of expression, and with young children, it is used to test what children have learned in lieu of writing written words. Art can be understood despite cultural and language differences.


Creating a piece of artwork taps into the imagination and encourages adults and children to examine items and interpret them.

Cultural Benefits

Studying art exposes the viewer and reader to many cultures and allows the viewer to learn more about cultures that no longer exist. Historic artwork allows man to delve into the past and gain insight about past generations.

Builds Confidence

Young children and adults feel a sense of accomplishment and pride when they create and complete a piece of art. This builds confidence, facilitates focus and increases self-esteem.
