Friday, October 26, 2012

Study For A Spreadsheet Application Exam

Study for your spreadsheet application exam without sweating, without cramming and without the stress. Start a daily study regimen and it wouldn't even feel like you're studying. Do this right and the week before the exam won't cause sleepless nights.


1. Obtain a data entry or other kind of job that requires extensive spreadsheet application. Learn everything you can about doing spreadsheet activity. Your goal is to get spreadsheet application hands-on experience before attending your first classes.

2. Purchase your spreadsheet application software and books before the first day of classes. Read through the entire textbook and through every course book. Go back and study the first 2 chapters. Keep reading them until you understand the concepts.

3. Download the spreadsheet application software that comes with the book. Books like these usually have an attached CD. Do the spreadsheet exercises on these CDs as well as in the first 2 chapters of your book.

4. Take notes as soon as your professor talks about spreadsheet applications. Write notes in every class and study them daily. Do this until the day of the exam. Get a study group together so that you can verbally quiz each other on the material.

5. Do your spreadsheet application projects like your life depend on it. You get more out of the project this way than if you took it for granted.

6. Go back through the parts of the book covered in your courses a few days before your exam. Look through the learning objectives and be sure that you can do each one. Go back and study the applicable sections if any of the learning objectives look vague.

7. Get plenty of rest the night before the exam and eat lightly during the meal before the exam. Arrive early, as many professors like to give hints while everybody waits for others to arrive.

Tags: spreadsheet application, your spreadsheet application, before exam, your spreadsheet, application software