Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Convert Fractions Into Decimals In 4 Easy Steps

Fraction to Decimal

Converting fractions into decimals is a pretty simple process once you get the hang of it! This simple article will show you convert fractions into decimals in just a few easy steps.


1. First start off by putting your fraction in simplest terms. A simple fraction is always easier to work with. Teachers and parents will have an easier time if they simplify the fractions first.

2. Now you're ready to begin converting into a decimal. The easiest way to accomplish this task is with your calculator. If you have a nice calculator handy, just type in the fraction-literally the top number divided by the bottom number, and this will give you the fraction as a decimal.

3. If you don't have a calculator handy, you will have to do a little more work to convert the fraction into a decimal. Let's say your fraction is 7/8. Your going to want take the number 100, and divide it by the denominator (in this case 8). In this case the answer is 12.5. Now take both the top and the bottom numbers and multiply them by this number, your answer should be a number over 100.

4. Almost there! The last step to convert the fraction is to place the decimal point. Divide both the top and the bottom number by 100. The bottom number should of course be one, and the top number (with the decimal point) will be your fraction. So in the case of 80/100, dividing by 100 I would get .8.

Tags: bottom number, your fraction, both bottom, calculator handy, convert fraction, decimal point