Thursday, August 8, 2013

Music Graduate Degrees

A bachelor's degree in music is not necessarily the end of a musician's formal education. To advance in the field, some musicians seek higher degrees. A music teacher who wants to move up the ladder in elementary or secondary education must earn a master's degree, and higher-education teaching positions require at least a master's degree, with a Ph.D. or D.M.A. (Doctor of Musical Arts) preferred.

Master's Degree

A master's degree in music requires 30 to 36 hours beyond a bachelor's degree and takes one to three years to complete. Many music schools offer master's degrees in such areas as choral and orchestra conducting, jazz, performance, music theory, early music and music education. Some institutions confer master's degrees in musicology and opera, both performance and directing. Some also offer master's degrees in music therapy, music technology and recording. Depending on the school and the program, schools confer Master of Arts degrees in Music, Master of Fine Arts in Music and Master of Education in Music. Students with master's degrees, the highest degree most music students seek, often find work as professional musicians, conductors, composers and high school and college teachers.


Students who have achieved master's degrees and work in the field of education can earn an advanced degree that falls between the master's and the doctorate. The specialist degree, recognized by most public and private elementary and secondary schools, rewards music students who earn additional college hours. A specialist in music education, for example, not only takes additional graduate music courses but also takes graduate education courses. Students seeking a specialist degree must demonstrate broad range of knowledge and skill in both education and music. Schools reward specialist-degree holders with higher salaries and management positions. The specialist degree is not particularly valuable outside the field of education.


The doctorate in music is the ultimate degree for those pursuing a position in academia. It allows the student to specialize in a particular area of music, not just theory, for example, but a certain area of theory, such as 20th century analysis or 16th century counterpoint. Practically any musical area of study can be made a major emphasis for the doctorate. Some schools offer doctoral programs in music education. Students earning a doctorate have to pass the requisite research courses and complete a dissertation in their field of emphasis.


The Doctor of Musical Arts degree is awarded to students who wish to specialize in musical performance. The D.M.A. recognizes the highest levels of performance in instrumental and vocal performance, conducting and composition. The dissertation is replaced with a final recital for performers or a significant composition for composition students. The considered equal in stature to the Ph.D. in music.

Tags: master degrees, music education, specialist degree, bachelor degree, degree music, degrees music