Medical billing and coding are important parts of the health care system. Both areas involve technical knowledge of health care, insurance, and coding of medical diagnoses. To work in the field, you will need a specialized diploma or degree in Medical Billing and Coding. When choosing an academic program, first decide whether you would like to attend classes in person or online. Then determine whether you need a diploma or a degree.
Colorado Technical University
CTU offers an Associate of Science (AS) degree in Medical Billing and Coding through its online program, and at its Denver and Pueblo, Colorado, campuses. The program will teach you about medical technology, classification and coding, as well as health insurance and medical information procedures. When you complete the program, CTU indicates that you would be prepared for work in the private and public health care industries. The Higher Learning Commission accredits CTU's programs.
Colorado Technical University - Colorado Springs
4435 North Chestnut Street
Colorado Springs, CO 80907
Kaplan University
Kaplan University offers certification programs in medical billing and coding. Both of the certification programs are appropriate for you if you have a high school diploma or GED and are interested in entering the administrative side of the medical field. Kaplan indicates that you can get either certificate within a 12-month period, which is ideal if you are looking to go to work quickly. Kaplan offers its medical billing and coding certifications through Kaplan Continuing Education, which is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission.
Kaplan Continuing Education
6301 Kaplan University Ave.
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309
Sanford Brown Institute
Sanford Brown offers diplomas in medical billing and coding through various campus locations. If you enroll in this program, you'll not only receive a classroom education but will be required to work in an externship program at the conclusion of the classroom portion. Sanford Brown indicates that you can complete your program within 9 to 24 months. All of the Institute's programs are accredited by the Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges and Schools (ACIS).
Career Education Corporation
2895 Greenspoint Parkway
Suite 600
Hoffman Estates, IL 60195
(847) 781-3600
Everest University
Everest University offers an Associate's Degree in Medical Insurance Billing and Coding, which is the same as billing and coding. The university website says that students obtain hands-on training in both computer-aided and manual billing and coding. The program will give you a background in insurance, claims and coding, as well. Everest offers this program both online and through its campus locations. Once you complete the program, the university can help you with job placement, as well. The Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges and Schools (ACICS) accredits Everest's programs.
Everest University
Corinthian Colleges, Inc.
6 Hutton Centre Drive Suite 400
Santa Ana, CA 927707
(714) 427-3000
Tags: billing coding, Everest University, health care, indicates that, Kaplan University