Friday, June 26, 2009

Convince An Employer To Pay For Education

There are a lot of great reasons to go back to college to get an education, but unfortunately for many people, it can be difficult to pay for school out of your own pocket. Tuition reimbursement is a great option, but you have to convince an employer to pay for education. You can approach the situation in several different ways.


1. Crunch the numbers. Sit down and figure out how much your education would cost, and then what the education would mean to your employer. You may be able to work faster, make smarter business choices or reach more clients, which would all come off the bottom line. Figure out what it would cost to hire and train a new employee who possesses the skill set you're trying to acquire. If the employer sees that your education could mean more money for him, he'll be more willing to pay for your education.

2. Let the employer pick the degree. If your boss thinks that she has a say in the matter, she may be more willing to pay for your education. If the company needs more help in marketing, offering to get a marketing degree may sweeten the deal.

3. Sign away your life. One way to convince your employer to pay for education is to offer to sign an exclusive contract. This means that you promise to work only for them for a certain amount of time after you get your degree. This will help them see that your education will translate into more revenues for the company long term.

4. Threaten to quit. It's a bold move, but depending on your position in the company, it may be a wise one. Be courteous about it, but be honest. Tell your present employer that you want to go back to school, and the new employer is offering to pay for your tuition. See if your employer will counter the offer and agree to foot the bill instead.

Tags: your education, your employer, education would, more willing, more willing your, that your, that your education