Friday, June 5, 2009

Do Research In The Library

The library is a great place to begin research for a term paper. Works are cataloged either in a computer database or on cards in drawers (the 'card catalog').


1. Check the computer database, if that's what your library uses. Go to a computer terminal and enter a keyword or phrase from the subject matter you wish to research. Most systems will allow you to enter a specific author, title or subject. If you are searching for newspaper, magazine or journal articles, look in an online periodical index. Note that there are indexes for specialized subject areas, such as medicine.

2. Jot down the item's call number (it indicates where the item can be found, and will read something like 'RUG 1.732'), as well as the availability status (whether or not it's checked out) and a listing of related items. At some libraries you can print out this information or e-mail it.

3. Or find your library's card catalog, if your library still uses this older system. A card catalog is a stack of drawers containing a large number of alphabetized note cards. Every item in the library will have three note cards: an author card, a title card and a subject-heading card. These are often filed in separate sets of drawers. For newspaper, magazine and journal articles, especially older ones that may not be indexed in computer databases, ask a librarian to recommend the appropriate periodical index to use. Older periodical indexes are usually in book form.

4. When you find the appropriate item, look for the call number.

5. Make a list of as many call numbers on your topic as you can find before going to the stacks. Try rephrasing your keywords and subjects to find a broad range of books you can narrow down after some browsing. To consolidate your search, make note of the call numbers on your list that are close to each other.

6. Find the section in the library that corresponds to the call number of your item. Some books and periodicals may be in closed stacks or storage, and you may have to page them.

7. Remember that librarians are paid to help library patrons. If you need help, ask someone.

Tags: call number, card catalog, your library, call numbers, call numbers your