Monday, January 24, 2011

Find Classmates On Facebook

With the availability of free Facebook accounts, more and more people are signing on to this social-networking site. This makes it easier than ever to track down classmates with whom you may have lost contact.


1. Make sure your Facebook profile includes your own school(s) and graduation year(s), so the search engine will be able to identify people with similar data. To do this, edit your information either through the "Info" tab on your Profile page or by clicking on the pencil icon in the "Information" box at the left of that Profile page. Click on the icon beside "Education and Work" to reveal the forms, so you can type in college/university and/or high-school information as desired.

2. Go to the "Find people you know on Facebook" page. To do this, either click on "Find Friends" at the bottom right of the page or click on "Friends" on the top left and select "Find Friends" in the list that appears below it.

3. Scroll down the page to "Search for People." If you entered your own education information on your profile, you will see prompts in blue type that will read something like "Find classmates from XYZ High School 1988." Click on this line to display all Facebook users who have identified the same school and year in their profile.

If you did not enter this information into your profile, you can now type the information in the fields and search.

4. Scroll down the "Search Classmates" list to browse classmates, clicking on the page numbers at bottom and top right to change pages. You also can search for a specific person by typing her name in the space next to the magnifying-glass icon. Depending on the information each individual has entered in his profile, and his privacy settings, you may be able to view a photo and see his name, "network" (city or company), and number of mutual Facebook friends. You also may be able to "Add as Friend," "Send a Message" and "View Friends" for each by clicking on the blue type at the right of the screen. In this way, you can browse the list to see which classmates you remember and make contact with the ones you choose.

5. Learn several other ways to find classmates who may not have appeared on this list.

You can change the graduation year at the top of the page to view lists of Facebook users who graduated before or after you.

You can click on "More Search Options" to search by name, email address, school or company.

You can return to the "Find people you know on Facebook" page and enter specific names or email addresses in the "Search for People" field under the magnifying glass.

You can enter names in the "Search" field beside the magnifying glass at the top of the page, no matter which Facebook screen you may be using.

Tags: blue type, bottom right, Facebook page, Facebook users, Find Friends