Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Find The Right Accredited College Degree Online

If you don't have time to sit in a classroom and get your college degree, consider online classes. Several accredited online college degree programs are available to you. Choosing the best program is challenging. However, with a little research, you can find the right degree program.


1. Ask whether an online school is actually accredited. Rather than assume a particular school is accredited, you've got to ask. There are many colleges and universities that offer online degree programs. Before picking one, research the school. Take into account the school's experience, required qualifications for teachers and statistics.

2. Make sure the school offers a program that interests you. Some online colleges and universities only offer select degree programs. Talk with an enrollment counselor or request a copy of the school's handbook.

3. Research their success rate. In other words, find out whether the online school has a good track record. If a large percentage of enrollees drop out or transfer to other degree programs, the quality of teaching may be low.

4. Look into the school's financial aid options. If you're looking for the right accredited college degree online, consider whether the school offers financial assistance. Most people can't afford an up-front cost, and it's best to choose programs that feature a flexible payment plan.

5. Inquire about transfer credits. If you've attended classes at another university, look for degree programs that accept transfer credits. Unfortunately, some online schools don't permit transfer credits from vocational schools.

Tags: degree programs, college degree, transfer credits, colleges universities, online school, programs that