Thursday, April 7, 2011

Leadership Qualities And Leadership Styles

Leaders must use a style of management that fits each situation.

Those in a leadership role have a specific set of qualities. While many leaders share certain qualities, the leadership style may be very different. A good leader can evaluate a situation, the employees and the goals of an organization and determine the leadership style that will be effective to bring the desired results.


A good leader has a clear vision of where the organization should be in the future. He must also see the steps necessary to reach that goal. An effective leader can communicate that vision to employees and generate a sense of excitement regarding the goal. A vision can encourage employees to share ideas for the organization, which can help the leader realize the vision.


To lead effectively, a leader must have the trust of the employees. Honesty encourages employees to trust the leader and follow directives. A leader can demonstrate honesty by admitting mistakes and taking responsibility when something goes wrong. The leader who cannot admit when a decision was incorrect risks alienating employees and earning mistrust.


Employees and people in general respond well to someone with confidence. A confident leader inspires others to have confidence in the decisions the leader makes. An unsure leader or one who appears indecisive does not inspire confidence in the decisions he makes.


Generosity is a quality a leader can demonstrate by offering praise and credit to employees when the worker deserves it. The generous leader recognizes the hard work of others in the group and rewards it accordingly.

Democratic Style

The democratic leader involves employees in the decision-making process instead of making decisions alone. A democratic leader makes the final decision, but allows and encourages employees to provide input. This approach creates a team atmosphere among employees.


Autocratic leaders exert complete control and decision-making authority over a group. This style of leadership can result in resentful workers who feel their input is not appreciated. The autocratic style is useful in some situations such as low-skill tasks. Effective leaders only use the autocratic style when it is necessary such as when a decision must be made immediately.


The laissez-faire style is a hands-off approach to leadership, which can work well with highly skilled and motivated employees. The laissez-faire leader gives the group a goal along with the tools and resources to achieve the goal. Decision-making power comes from the employees.

Tags: autocratic style, confidence decisions, democratic leader, encourages employees, good leader, leader demonstrate, leader makes