Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Attract Men In College

It is easy to attract men when you know how.

College is a wonderful place to learn, but it is also an environment that is conducive to meeting people. Attracting men in college may seem like a daunting task. After all, there are so many of them! However, it is easier than you think. Follow these few, simple tips, and you should have men flocking to you.

Body Language

Try subtly "mirroring" his body positions. For example: if he leans forward, you can lean forward a little too.

Body language says a lot about you. If your eyes are downcast, you are slumped over and you make dismissive gestures like little shrugs and eye rolls, you are not going to look confident and attractive. If you sit or stand up straight, make eye contact that lasts about one second longer than you are comfortable, and keep your shoulders relaxed, you are giving the right message for men to approach you.

Be friendly. Scowling at men does not encourage them to come speak to you. Smile, engage in conversation, and listen carefully. While you are speaking, use open gestures, relax your hands, and let them hang at waist level. Keep eye contact; but don't stare.


To stand out in a crowd, try wearing bright colors like red, yellow and turquoise.

Find clothing that flatters your figure. It is all about what makes you feel sexy.

Wear clothes that are comfortable. No one wants to hear you complain about how painful your shoes are or how the skirt you are wearing shows off too much skin. The less you worry about what you are wearing, the more attention you have for the man sitting in front of you.

Pick something that matches your personality. After all, your personality should attract them as much as what you wear.

Men generally like long, silky hair. Whether you have short or long hair, use conditioner regularly and apply hair products sparingly. This will improve your hair texture, if he decides to run his hands through it.

Get Involved

Getting involved in something is a great way to meet people with common interests.

Join a student club or volunteer organization that is run by the college. This is a chance to meet new people and show them what you are passionate about. Pick something you really enjoy. Passion is a definite turn-on because it gives you something to talk about, and it makes you happy. Men are naturally attracted to happy, positive people.

Go Out. Get a couple of friends together and get out to the popular nightclubs and bars. Scope out what is available by chatting with as many people as possible.

Confidence Is Key

Self confidence is important.

Nothing is as attractive as a healthy amount of self-esteem. No one likes to hang out with someone miserable and negative. If you are not feeling so confident, pretend otherwise. The more you tell yourself something, the more it sinks in. If you are constantly telling yourself that you are attractive, smart and classy, you are going to start believing it, and other people will, too! Finally, you want to attract people that are compatible with you. So, above all, be yourself.

Tags: about what, meet people, Pick something, your personality