Thursday, April 7, 2011

Texas Agriculture Scholarships

A variety of scholarships exist for Texas agriculture students.

Though its population and economy have urbanized and diversified over the years, Texas remains a national leader in agriculture. Each year, agricultural activities contribute $80 billion a year to the state's economy. Agricultural organizations in Texas strive to cultivate future leadership in this crucial industry by awarding scholarships to deserving students with past involvement in agriculture or who intend to pursue careers in the field.

Texas Farm Bureau Young Farmer and Rancher Scholarships

The Texas Farm Bureau (TFB) is an independent organization of farmers and ranchers that strives to address the challenges faced in Texas agriculture. TFB's priorities include cultivating future leadership among Texas youth. The organization awards two types of Young Farmer and Rancher Scholarships: one for graduating high school seniors and one for enrolled college students pursuing agricultural studies. Applicants for the $1,000 high school senior scholarships must intend to pursue a career in agriculture and be members of a family that belongs to the Texas Farm Bureau.

The program for enrolled college students awards three scholarships of $1,000. Eligible recipients must pursue an agriculture degree, have at least 45 college credit hours, a grade average of at least 2.5 (on a scale of 4), and be members of a Texas Farm Bureau family.

Dick Mitchell Memorial Scholarship

Texas Farm Bureau awards the $1,000 Dick Mitchell Memorial Scholarship to a high school junior or senior who belongs to a TFB family and has attended the organization's Youth Leadership Conference. The scholarship application requires the applicant to complete a two-page essay that outlines education and career goals.

TFB Agriculture Research and Education Foundation

College-bound high school graduates whose families have been Texas Farm Bureau members for at least two years can apply for one of two scholarships awarded by the Texas Farm Bureau's Agriculture Research and Education Foundation. The foundation awards the scholarships based on grades, standardized test scores, financial need, and potential for college success.

Texas Future Farmers of America (FFA)

The Texas FFA Association administers scholarship programs for students who participate in FFA at their high schools. These include the Texas FFA scholarships, awarded to more than 100 recipients each year; the San Antonio Livestock Show and Exposition scholarships, awarded to eight students who participate in the annual livestock show; and the Ryan Mott Memorial Scholarship. Named for a former Texas FFA vice president, the association awards the Ryan Mott scholarship to an FFA student who demonstrates strong commitment and leadership.

Tags: Farm Bureau, Texas Farm, Texas Farm Bureau, high school, Memorial Scholarship