Monday, December 5, 2011

Implement A Student Interest Survey

A student interest survey is a statistical document showing which areas hold the majority of a student's attention. Use the tactics below to attain the best results in the survey you plan to administer.


1. Decide the age concentration. Let the maturity level of the students being surveyed influence the types of questions you ask.

2. Ask permission. If you are not the primary teacher in the class, request a time slot to administer the survey at least a week in advance.

3. Know the goal you are trying to reach. Make sure the questions you ask accomplish the motive for executing the student interest survey.

4. Formulate easy questions. The clearer you make your questions, the clearer the answers will be.

5. Cover all potential responses by creating a multiple choice template with many options. Give room for additional comments in case you have not included a pertinent answer.

6. Encourage honesty by making the survey completely anonymous. Students who do not have to sign their name to a document may be more honest when it comes to their specific interests.

7. Administer the survey. Allow at least 15 to 20 minutes for students to complete the questionnaire. Students who are rushed may choose random answers just to save time.

Tags: interest survey, questions clearer, student interest survey