Friday, December 16, 2011

What Is The Advantage Of Having School Start Early

An early start to the school day can serve as a confidence booster.

School years are formative in teaching good habits and helping a child acquire skills that would benefit her later in adult life. A bright and early start to a school day helps in teaching a child make good use of her day and be alert and responsive for the better part of the morning. Being in school and ready for instruction as early as 8 a.m. helps boost confidence and productivity.

The Advantages

Starting school early means getting a head start on physical and mental exercise. This gets both body and mind into the habit of being sharp, alert and more responsive at a young age. These are habits that a child can carry into adult life. A child who wakes early for school will need to go to sleep earlier to rest his body. More sleep and more rest will give him an alert, sharp mind that has greater receptivity and retention.

Getting the Best of the Early Morning

A child who rises early for school who has rested sufficiently the night before will benefit from breathing in fresh early morning air. There are fewer distractions in the early morning, less noise, and the early riser can begin a day in a better state of mind. An earlier school hour means more time to work on academic projects, as there is no hurry to get things done -- a problem a late-riser might face.

Advantages for Parents

An early start to a child's school day gets parents to start the day early too. Instead of rushing out together with children and worrying about being to work, the parent can have a relaxed morning after dropping the children off at school. The child who gets dropped early will have less play time before school and so a lesser chance of getting into trouble. For the parent dropping the child off to school, lesser traffic congestion on the roads that early means a less stressful drive. This helps boost the whole family's mood.

Reprogramming the Body Clock

A young child will need to shift routines and reorganize afternoon activities to adjust to changed timings. The body clock will have to be reprogrammed to make room for a new routine. Extracurricular activities and homework will need to be finished earlier so evenings are free. Social activities may be left for weekends. Sleeping earlier will give a child the necessary rest needed to ensure a fresh and alert mind and body early in the morning.

Tags: early start, will need, adult life, child school, early means, early morning, early school