Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The Best Gmat Test Preparation Methods

Self study is one of the preparation methods for the GMAT test.

GMAT stands for Graduate Management Admission Test: a standardized test in math and English for measuring the ability to succeed in graduate business studies in English-speaking countries. The test consists of three sections: the Analytical Writing Assessment, Quantitative section and Verbal section. The Analytical Writing Section consists of two essays: one examining an argument, the other examining an issue. The Quantitative part consists of Problem Solving part, in which a test taker answers multiple-choice questions, and Data Sufficiency part, in which he examines statements. The Verbal section is divided into Sentence Correction, Critical Thinking and Reading Comprehension.

Self Study Using GMAT Books

When studying for GMAT on your own, a student has to remember to study the test techniques first. The test takers can achieve that by buying a GMAT Preparation Book and going through all exercises in it. They should also practice using previous GMAT tests such as those found in ETS' Official Guide for GMAT Review. Practicing on GMAT CATs (computer adaptive tests) may work for people who want to take the computer test.

GMAT Courses

Taking a GMAT preparation course may help those who struggle with self study. The GMAT courses have a number of advantages. They not only help the test takers refresh their knowledge of math concepts, vocabulary, grammar and writing strategies, but also they teach effective math-solving strategies, drawing correct conclusions, and writing clearly and concisely. The courses also prepare students to work under limited time circumstances. Since the classes are usually small, the GMAT teachers pay individual attention to each student and help them to draw a plan for self-study.

Private Tutoring for GMAT

If a student prefers one-on-one learning environment, hiring a private tutor may be a good option. A private tutor can help the test-taker to get used to the types of exercises used during the test and develop effective strategies to solve them. Studying GMAT with a private tutor can be more effective in that it gives a student constant individualized attention; the tutor pays special attention to the student's weak points and teaches her improve them. In hiring a private tutor, a student should take into account the tutor's knowledge and level of competency. A number of GMAT preparation institutes offer expert private tutoring.

Tags: private tutor, Analytical Writing, hiring private, hiring private tutor, part which, test GMAT, test takers