Thursday, October 6, 2011

The Casio Fx300es' Effects On The Act

The Casio FX-300ES is a scientific calculator that displays mathematical functions in textbook format. As of August 2011, this calculator is approved for use on the ACT. The Casio FX-300ES provides a simple interface and functions that make it easier to solve complex math problems than using paper and pencil alone.


The math problems on the ACT cover high school algebra, geometry and trigonometry. Some of the problems include mathematical symbols, such as the symbol for a square root or an exponent. The Casio FX-300ES displays numbers and symbols as they appear on the page when "Math" style is selected. For example, an exponent appears in superscript to the right of the number it is affecting. This might make it easier to compare the test problems or your handwritten work to what's on the calculator's screen.

Display Options

The Casio FX-300ES provides two display styles: "Math" and "Linear." Unlike "Math" style, "Linear" style displays numbers and symbols consecutively. Choose the display style that is easiest to work with and helps you solve problems more efficiently. If you prefer using a different display style for certain types of problems, you can switch between the styles quickly. For "Math" style, press "Shift," "Mode" and "1." For "Linear" style, press "Shift," "Mode" and "2."

Long Expressions

Some problems on the ACT require you to solve long equations that use parentheses and square brackets that determine which parts are calculated first. The Casio FX-300ES allows you to type long expressions with brackets, and it evaluates expressions according to the order of operations. This allows you to save time by evaluating an expression at once, rather than in multiple steps. If the expression is too long to be displayed, an indicator that looks like an arrow is displayed. Use the calculator's scroll keys to scroll through the expression and check your work.

Using the Casio FX-300ES Wisely

Use the Casio FX-300ES on the ACT if you are familiar with this calculator. If you have never used this calculator before, however, do not use it on the ACT. Before your test date, take a practice ACT math test and use the Casio FX-300ES to solve complex problems. Read each problem before deciding whether to use the calculator. Do not use the calculator on every problem, since this might slow you down. On the day of the test, replace the calculator's batteries. Take spare batteries or an extra calculator with you -- these items are not provided at the testing center.

Tags: Casio FX-300ES, Math style, this calculator, Casio FX-300ES provides, display style, displays numbers