Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Train To Become A Marine

The Marines have a long history of achievement.

The Marine Corps is purported to have the most difficult boot camp, basically your entrance exam, among United States military forces. Marines believe they are the elite among the military. They have proved their worth on many occasions, probably most memorably during their fierce campaign against the Japanese in the Pacific theater during World War II. Training prior to boot camp improves your chances of succeeding as a Marine. Begin your training program at least six months prior to boot camp. The more time you have to prepare yourself, the better you will perform at boot camp.


Training for the Initial Physical Test

1. Running is part of the initial physical fitness test for the Marine Corps.

Begin a serious workout regimen. If you are not already in good condition, take it slowly. Injuries only hamper your progress. Start running to increase your endurance and stamina. During your initial physical fitness test in the Marines, you will be expected to perform a 1.5-mile run. Work toward that goal in training. If you are untrained, start by running a half-mile and adding a quarter-mile every week. Run several days per week. Train until you can easily exceed the 1.5-mile mark in 13:30. For females, the standard is one mile in 10:30.

2. Males and females need to perform at least 44 sit-ups in two minutes.

Start a program of doing sit-ups. They will also be part of your initial test. Start slowly if you have not been actively doing sit-ups. Do them several times per week, not every day. Exercising the same muscles every day leads to overtraining and increases the likelihood of injury. Train to exceed the minimums of the fitness test, not just meet them. You will be expected to perform at least 44 sit-ups in two minutes.

3. The Marine standard for pull-ups differs for men and women.

Find a bar where you can do pull-ups. Start doing as many as you can. If you are having trouble, have a friend grasp your lower torso and help you do them. Soon you will be doing them on your own. The standard for pull-ups for males is two with no time limit. Females are expected to be able to do a flexed arm hang for at least 12 seconds. You are now ready to train to become a Marine.

Tags: boot camp, fitness test, doing sit-ups, expected perform, initial physical