Tuesday, February 25, 2014

3rd pair of lost retainers

3rd Pair of Lost retainers

My 10 year old son lost his retainers for the 3rd time! I'm so frustrated!!! These things aren't cheap. First I have to pay for another molding and then another pair of retainers...my insurance doesn't pay for these. Should I buy another pair???? The retention phase of orthodontic treatment involves the use of a retainer to hold the teeth in their new position for the long term. This phase is just as important as the active phase where braces are used to align and coordinate the teeth. Your child will need another retainer. The retainer should be placed in its case when not in use. Special care should be taken to not discard the retainer when disposing of fast food packaging and napkins. If retainer is removed for sports or other activities, it should be placed in its case and stored in gym bag or back pack. Child should have to work to pay for the new retainer. He can work it off by doing chores around the house and earning money by working for neighbors. Fall is coming and there will be lots of leaves to rake. Teaching a child responsibility is important. You can post a job sheet with assignments for each day on the refrigerator door. Take out the trash, clean the bathroom, shake the rugs, vacuum, dust, rake the lawn, wash the car, clean his bedroom, groom the dog or cat, etc. At the end of the day, you can check these off. If child needs to be gone for an overnight or other activity, he must ask in advance to be off work just like on a real job. There can be no last minute plans that interfere with work. Any missed work must be made up the next day. After having to work to pay you back for the lost retainer, your child will learn to be more responsible for the retainer as well as learn responsibility through work. Say what you mean. Mean what you say. Carry through. Don't yell or fuss. This is a business relationship between you and your son. He has a debt to pay to you for the lost retainer for which he is responsible. Ask the orthodontist for the molds so you don't have to get new ones made again. If you do as twelvepole suggests above, you will probably not have to buy any more retainers, but it doesn't hurt to prepare for the possibility that you will. Yup, I had the same thots but it has been tough for me to keep at it. Just another part of my job as being a parent right? Hearing all the complaints and whines...I'd rather not demand or even ask. I'd rather do it myself. I know in the long run tho, things will get better as long as I stay on him and mean what I say and follow through. I just made him my baby and he's a mama's boy for sure. I just have to stay on my toes and do what I say I'm going to do. This is probably one of the hardest things to do as a parent but my job for sure. J.M.C. I've asked the orthodontist if I could have the mold the first time he lost his retainers and they actually told me they couldn't. I don't know if it's b/c of the shift of the teeth. There's also a 50/50 chance that when my son (age 10) gets older, maybe in his teens or when all his baby teeth come out he may need braces again. I think these people make a lot of money this way, but whatever!...I made the decision to do it so it's not their fault Thanks guys i thought orthodontists waited to do braces till all the baby teeth were gone? i'm surprised a kid as young as 10 would even qualify for braces yet. why move teeth around when some are still baby teeth permanent ones have yet to come in?? is this guy reputable? did you get a 2nd opinion?? Didn't catch that part before, but now that I look back to when I had braces, I do remember the orthodontist waiting until all my permanent teeth were in. me too! i can't remember ANY kid in elementary school with braces. we were all about in 7th or 8th grade when we starting getting them. maybe they're doing things different nowadays! Yeah..was referred to him and I even asked about it...you know...we are in the new age...I guess things get better and change throughout the years...?My son had expanders (sp?) put on the bottoms and then braces. They had to widen his jaw out b/c the adult teeth were fairly large so there was no room for them to come out straight. The braces were for the front teeth that were already permanent that were just waaaay crooked. They did mention a percentage that he may need braces again but they wanted to try and help his teeth out a little...they were just really messed up, but you know...it wasn't from my genes... Sit down with your child and explain to them that retainers are not free or cheap. Tell them that you understand that things get misplaced and you understand it was an accident but that he needs to do some chores around the house to earn some money to buy a new retainer. Things like doing the dishes after dinner ,taking the trash out to the curb, raking leaves, shoveling the driveway, cleaning his bedroom, organizing the living room, running a quick vaccume, If he understands the value of a dollar and realizes that his money is going to replace something that he lost maybe next time he'll be more conscious where he puts it. Just a suggestion.

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