Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Register For Nurse Classes

Nursing school graduates enjoy the benefits of a rapidly growing job market.

Getting into nursing school is a significant accomplishment. Nursing students usually have to be accepted into the college or university and then apply to the nursing school only after they have proven themselves as an undergraduate student. Being able to register for nursing classes means that you are on your way to accomplishing what you need in order to enter one of the fastest growing and well-paying job fields for bachelor's degree recipients.


1. Apply to the colleges and universities that have nursing programs of interest to you. Complete your general education requirements during your first two years of study and any prerequisite courses needed to get into the nursing school program. Most nursing schools will require that you maintain a minimum GPA on all of your general education work. Most schools require a 3.0 GPA, but this number can vary, especially in relation to prerequisite science courses in microbiology, organic chemistry, anatomy and physiology and biochemistry. Nursing schools usually allow for a slightly lower GPA in these classes because of their difficulty.

2. Apply to the school of nursing at your college or university. The nursing school will likely require a separate application from the application you submitted when you applied to the college. Many nursing schools require you to go through an interview process and a pass a pre-nursing exam that tests your suitability for the nursing field based on your studies in your prerequisite courses.

3. Review the courses offered by your nursing school in your course catalog or through the school's website or online registration system. Compare the offered nursing school courses to those required for your nursing degree. Complete your registration by either going to your university's registrar's office during enrollment periods or registering online using the online registration system supplied by your school. Most colleges and universities have online registration now as a standard form of registration. You will have to have a user name and password, however, in order to access the system and register for courses.

Tags: nursing school, online registration, college university, colleges universities, Complete your